Friday, August 26, 2011

Darcy is a bad patient

Darcy hurt her toes chasing squirrels.

We tried to heal her with rest and anti-inflammatories.  Unfortunately, it's really hard to make a puppy rest.  Dr. Grillo wasn't satisfied with her progress so she decided we should protect the foot with a splint.
Darcy looked pretty cute with her big blue bandage...
but she was not a happy camper.
She was supposed to wear it for seven days but it barely lasted 24 hours.
Ryan and James applauded her ingenuity in wiggling out of that splint. 
Dr. Grillo and I were less amused.  Poor Doodles.  She doesn't mean to be so bad.  Maybe sedation will help...
August 2011


Anonymous said...

Does that mean the splint is back on? Hope you all sleep well.

Braymere said...

No, she is splintless. We are hoping she will be quiet enough that she doesn't need it.

So far I haven't noticed any huge difference except that sedated Darcy snores!

Anonymous said...

Spank her butt!

Dom said...

Silly Darcy! It's for your own good...